Sunday, August 23, 2020

The story brushes Essay Example For Students

3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Determine a Reliable Source on the Internet

Step by step instructions to Determine a Reliable Source on the Internet It very well may be baffling to direct online research since web sources can be very problematic. On the off chance that you locate an online article that gives significant data to your exploration point, you should take care to research the source to ensure it is substantial and solid. This is a fundamental advance in keeping up sound research morals. It is your obligation as a scientist to discover and utilize dependable sources. Techniques to Investigate Your Source Research the Author By and large, you should avoid web data that doesnt give the name of a creator. While the data contained in the article might be valid, it is increasingly hard to approve data on the off chance that you dont know the certifications of the writer. On the off chance that the creator is named,â find their site to: Check instructive creditsDiscover if the author is distributed in an academic journalSee if the essayist has distributed a book from a college pressVerify that the author is utilized by an exploration organization or college Watch the URL In the event that the data is connected to an association, attempt to decide the dependability of the supporting association. One tip is the URL finishing. On the off chance that the site name closes with .edu, it is no doubt an instructive foundation. All things being equal, you ought to know about political predisposition. On the off chance that a webpage finishes in .gov, it is in all probability a solid government site. Government destinations are generally acceptable hotspots for measurements and target reports. Destinations that end in .organization are generally non-benefit associations. They can be generally excellent sources or exceptionally poor sources, so youll need to take care to inquire about their potential motivation or political predispositions on the off chance that they exist. For example, is the association that gives the SAT and different tests. You can discover important data, measurements, and counsel on that site. is a non-benefit association that gives instructive open communicates. It gives an abundance of value articles on its site. Different locales with the .organization finishing are backing bunches that are profoundly political. While it is totally conceivable to discover dependable data from a site like this,â be aware of the political inclination and recognize this in your work. Online Journals and Magazines A respectable diary or magazine ought to contain a catalog for each article. The rundown of sources inside that book reference ought to be entirely broad, and it ought to incorporate academic non-Internet sources. Check for measurements and information inside the article to back up the cases made by the writer. Does the essayist give proof to help his announcements? Search for references of ongoing investigations, maybe with commentaries and check whether there are essential statements from other applicable specialists in the field. News Sources ï » ¿Every TV and print news source has a site. Somewhat, you can depend on the most believed news sources, for example, CNN and the BBC, yet you ought not depend on them only. All things considered, system and link news stations are associated with diversion. Consider them a venturing stone to increasingly solid sources.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Kannada Essay Samples - How to Define Your Ideas Easily

Kannada Essay Samples - How to Define Your Ideas EasilyA Kannada essay sample is a brief, to the point outline or summary of your text. It can be a lengthy work from an essay to an article. It should reflect the main ideas in your text. Some samples are created by native speakers who can write for short sentences, while others are less poetic and more descriptive.The best essays which use Kannada essay samples are the ones which don't have any common problems with grammar. English is the second most used language after Hindi and people find it difficult to read and write Kannada. Therefore, it is a must to produce some essay samples that are devoid of grammatical mistakes. If you want to excel in academic writing, don't underestimate the importance of writing on essays. The application rate of college admission in Kannada is low because the universities realize this is a language of higher learning and they want to attract students who would be interested in the humanities.The story of Kannada is one of literature and its progress is a saga in itself. There are literary stories about Manjushri, Tarakeshwari, Sivagami, Tirumalai, Govindarajan, Vattabhagini and many others. Many writers like K.N.Vallappa, Abinandan, Kurusuri Panchamati, Devayatama, Dakshina Chaitanya, Abhinav Bharat, Banwarar, Indrashree, Agamuthu, Janamuthu and others have written about the history of Kannada.A detailed analysis of a Kannada essay sample is not necessary as they have been created to simplify the task of understanding the topic and theme of the essay. There are many software which help students to analyze the text easily. These features include the following:The simplest way to understand the vocabulary of Kannada is to study the examples. An example is something which gives a direct image of a person, place or thing. An example can give an image of any person, place or thing and at the same time gives a description of the feature.The paragraph which follows the example is also e ssential. This paragraph will describe what the reader can expect from the example. This paragraph is something which explains something clearly, especially when explaining a thing.A keyword is something which is used to find information from a page and the contents of the page. The keyword is commonly used to mean 'about'. When writing an essay, the keyword is always used in Kannada. With Kannada essay samples, you can learn the art of using keywords properly.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Effects Of Stress On People On The Front Line - 966 Words

War has been a part of society since the beginnings of mankind up until modern day. One unfortunate aspect that inevitably comes with warfare is stress. Despite the long, insidious existence of war, little has been known about the effects of stress on people on the front line. Combatant soldiers endure extreme stress while on the battle field and even after returning home. Chronic stress under such environments ultimately results in disastrous changes in those who participate in war. As a soldier sent home from Iraq says, these people have seen â€Å"humanity at its worst† (Alpert et al. 2010). A majority of them return home no longer the same people prior to leaving for war as they now suffer from an anxiety disorder known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This psychological disorder not only affects soldiers, but also their families and the community in which they live in. Relationships are torn apart as these people live the nightmare they have survived, leaving the m unable to return to the normal life that they thought they could resume. Whether it be the Civil War, the World Wars, the Vietnam War, or the most recent Iraq War, soldiers returning home have to face the guilt left within them. Post-traumatic stress disorder is debilitating and can leave those who suffer from it in ruins. In the documentary Wartorn, a physician states that about 15% of American soldiers suffer from PTSD (Alpert et al. 2010). This number is only representative of those whoShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on Soldiers1613 Words   |  7 Pagessoldiers or soldiers in general are considered to be heroes. They put their lives on the line to help protect their country. However what few people seem to realize is that a soldiers battle is not only out there on the battle field. It is in their everyday lives during and after their time served. It is very common for soldiers to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for sh ort. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a mental condition that results in a feeling of sadness and remorseRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )961 Words   |  4 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder dates back to the war days. Although having this disorder was never documented it was seen in many soldiers during and after the war. The disorder didn’t have an official title. It was known as â€Å"shell shock†, â€Å"exhaustion† and â€Å"battle fatigue.† The disorder affected many soldiers during wars, not only physically but also their reputation. Many soldiers would have emotional breakdowns due to the disorder and some would flee the front lines. TheseRead MoreThe Wars- Effects on Humans1748 Words   |  7 PagesCHEUNG 1 War has been a constant part of human history. It has greatly affected the lives of people around the world. These effects, however, are extremely detrimental. Soldiers must shoulder extreme stress on the battlefield. Those that cannot mentally overcome these challenges may develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sadly, some resort to suicide to escape their insecurities. Soldiers, however, are not the only ones affected by wars; family members also experience mental hardships when theirRead More`` Rite Of War ( 2014 ) Looks Into The First World War878 Words   |  4 Pagesthe War in Afghanistan. The choreographer Darshan Sign Bhuller and Gravity and Levity artistic director Linsdey Butcher explore the effects that war has on soldiers by focusing on one story from each conflict. Throughout the piece Bhuller and Butcher explore the endlessness and senselessness of war as well as the long lasting effect that conflict has on ordinary people. The foundation of the piece is the coinciden ce of the dates between the start of the First World War, 1914, and the withdrawal ofRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front850 Words   |  4 Pagesintroduced new forms of industrial warfare, which resulted in many repercussions. One of these repercussions was the development of shell-shock or neurosis as a result of war in soldiers returning from the battle front. In â€Å"All Quiet on the Western Front† by Enrich Maria Remarque the psychological effect of industrial warfare on soldiers was depicted as a paradoxical combination of exhilaration on the battlefront as well as a deep state of numbness and melancholy. Foremost, it is imperative to note thatRead MoreNegative Effects Of Email Overload And The Lean Solution1748 Words   |  7 PagesNegative effects of email overload and the LEAN solution Email is one of the most disruptive tools that professionals use daily. In this technologically advanced world, most companies use email as the main source of communication to send messages, word documents, images, and other files. The use of e-mail has even surpassed the use of verbal communication in many organizations (MacNevin, 2007). The problem starts with the culture surrounding email. People feel the need to respond to an email theRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien855 Words   |  4 PagesIn Tim O Brien s, The Things They Carried, many soldiers in the front line of the Vietnam War were psychologically and physically paralyzed by the war for many years after. The soldiers were left emotionally and mentally unstable for the rest of their life after the war. In The Things They Carried, Jimmy Cross is the lieutenant of his platoon whom feels guilt for his friend’s death. During the war, Jimmy Cross has a girlfriend back home that he always thinks of. Throughout the war, he focusedRead MoreThe Theater Arts Program At Pius Hacked My Music Playlist1197 Words   |  5 Pagesincreasingly frustrated me, anxiety set in. The rapidity of the scenes coalesced with the frequent complex subject matter was less than desirable to my analytical mind. Often times, I was still digesting information from one scene as another scene raced in front of me. Unfortunately, the musical interludes don’t fall into the guidelines for the paper (and they were my favorite part), and I was worried that I would not fully connect to the scenes from the play, and therefore I would have a deficient paperRead MoreInternal and External Factor of the United States Army1706 Words   |  7 Pagescommand level accounts for top level, mid level, and front line ranks. For the purposes of this paper, these ranks will be referred to as managers. Regardless of level these managers will be expected to carry out the four functions of management including; planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Similar to a regular business, the top level managers may focus more on planning. The mid level managers focus on organizing, and the front line managers focus on leading and controlling. In orderRead MoreThe Link between Empowerment and Emotional Dissonance879 Words   |  3 Pagesand Kanungo, 1988, Lashley, 1999) and to follow the necessary job rules (Hochschild, 1983; Ashforth and Humprey, 1993; Morris and Feldman, 1996a; Grandey, 2000). Based on the previous researches’ example, it has proved that service employees, like front office employees associated in the ‘commercialization of feeling’ (Hochschild, 1983) offer the impression of job satisfaction which wants them to manage suitable feelings to please guests. According to this, Lashley (1999) claimed that personnel would

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How I Paint My Own Reality - 2134 Words

At its simplest, identity is who one is and can be divided into personal, social and cultural. Personal identity is the state of self as an individual, personal experiences and who one is outside of collective assembly. Adversely, social identity takes into consideration position in society and belonging in groups. These may include gender, class and ethnicity among others and shape a person’s sense of self in terms of how much power and social standing they have. Cultural identity is expression of culture and surroundings, like beliefs and traditions. In her art, Frida Kahlo explores all these aspects of who she is. She has been quoted as saying â€Å"I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality†. This quote could be a response to Andre Breton, poet and artist, who described Kahlo’s work as surrealist. While many could not begin to imagine the pain expressed in Kahlo’s art and were quick to pass it off as surreal, the quote states that the e vents and emotions described are real and present. â€Å"I paint my own reality† reflects how Kahlo paints her identity and significant events in her life. The fact that she paints her experiences mirrors the quote, as she is painting what she lived through. In other words, she paints her reality. Frida Kahlo was born as Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo in Mexico in 1907. She suffered from many medical problems. At 7 she contracted polio. Later, at 18 she was in a streetcar accident which resulted in various injuries, most significantlyShow MoreRelated Michelangelo and The Sistine Chapel Frescos Essay1441 Words   |  6 Pages10th of May 1508 I signed a contract to agree to fulfill Pope Julius’commission on painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I had bad feelings about thewhole thing from the day Julius commissioned me to paint instead of sculpt. I am anarchitect and sculptor not a fresco painter. It is not that I doubt my ability’s to completesuch a task, but I believe that there are other artists that would be much better suited for the job than I. It is of course an honor to be chosen to paint such a ceiling andRead MoreColor Symbolism, The Invisible Man, By Irving Howe1584 Words   |  7 Pagesdescribed by Irving Howe in his 1952 review of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man â€Å"This novel is a soaring and exalted record of a Negro s journey through contemporary America in search of success, companionship, and, finally, himself;†. Invisible Man paints a portrait of self-discovery through a narrator who journeys through the dialects and microaggressions of American Multiculturalism. Displaying an Alternate Universe where obvious symbolism is presented not only the audience, but the narrator as itRead MoreAnalysis Of The Invisible Man By Irving Howe1584 Words   |  7 Pagesdescribed by Irving Howe in his 1952 review of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man â€Å"This novel is a soaring and exalted record of a Negro s journey through contemporary America in search of success, companionship, and, fi nally, himself;†. Invisible Man paints a portrait of self-discovery through a narrator who journeys through the dialects and microaggressions of American Multiculturalism. Displaying an Alternate Universe where obvious symbolism is presented not only the audience, but the narrator as itRead More Art Comparison Essay1701 Words   |  7 Pages These are the thoughts that came to my head as I gazed at two works of art by two Mexican artists at MoLAA museum of art . I visited two museums, Bowers Museum of cultural Art in the heart of Southern California and the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach for my report unfortunately I only liked the works in MoLAA and will talk about it through out my paper. I will talk about two Mexican artists Rafael Cauduro and David Alfaro Siqueros that caught my eye, and made me want to learn more ofRead MoreWhy I Don t Have A Home1534 Words   |  7 Pagestheir home. But for me? I don’t have a home. The year is 750 AD and I live in the capital of The Tang Dynasty(618-907), Chang’an; the cultural center where you can thrive as a person; making me part of Ancient China’s â€Å"Golden Age(â€Å"Ancient China For Kids† 6).† However, I don’t feel my sense of belonging here. I’m in a place I didn’t ask to be in: being a young orphan girl, trying to make a living on my own. I have no relation with the top class imperial family, nor am I involved with any sort ofRead MoreMy Study Of Landscapes And Landscape Theory1637 Words   |  7 Pagesthe sleepy grandeur of nature is stirred up†¦ arouses the inner force of the subject†¦ and laid the groundwork of the sublime tradition’. (B.Beckley, 2001) This became my main area of focus for my work; to create a series of paintings showing the power and unpredictability of nature over a landscape. In my previous project I began my study of landscapes by focussing on our everyday surrounding and variances in landscapes being dependant on individuals social and cultural differences. In LandscapeRead MoreAnalysis Of Carmen Frida Kahlo1172 Words   |  5 Pagesthe child. She expressed her feelings of pain and frustration in a painting which she painted in 1932 called â€Å"Henry Ford Hospital†. Frida once said, â€Å"My painting carries with it the message of pain† (Frida Kahlo). The painting was a reflection of how Frida felt when she had a miscarriage and was not able to bear a child. In the painting, Frida paints herself lying in a bed unclothed with sheets that are covered with blood inside an empty room, with brown carpet and the sky being blue. Her body isRead MoreStarry Night By Vincent Van Gogh1302 Words   |  6 Pagesartist himself. When people hear the name â€Å" Vincent Van Gogh,† most automatically think of the crazed artist that cut off his own ear and would consume paint. Starry Night by Van Gogh is arguable one of the best renowned painting of all time. If you were to google â€Å" Vincent Van Gogh† the suggested search would recommend his painting â€Å" Starry Night.† Giving insight to just how popular his painting is. There are a lot of things that did play in the making of Starry Night, and his mental stake was oneRead MoreThe Museum Of Modern Art1358 Words   |  6 Pages I chose to travel to the Museum of Modern Art for this assignment. Once I was there, I wasn’t sure which artwork I wanted to focus my analysis on. At first I was overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the museum (I have never been), but after a little while I gained my bearings and began to explore for 20th century art. After viewing many of the paintings that we discussed in depth in class and many that we did not, I decided to write my analysis on â€Å"Street Light,† by Giacomo Balla. I chose thisRead MoreMajor Themes And Societal Importance Of The Heart Of Darkness1302 Words   |  6 Pagesunnamed narrator expresses the belief that imperialism is fundamental in distributing a nation’s power. For example, when talking about the beauty of the Thames in part 1, the narrator does not describe its physical attributes, but instead explains how it has served some of the greatest explorers and their dreams. He says, â€Å"What greatness had not floated on the ebb of that river into the mystery of an unknown earth!...The dreams of men, the seed of commonwealths, the germs of empires† (Conrad, 5)

Case Study for Marketing and Communications of Apple iPhone 7

Question: Discuss about the Case Study for Marketing and Communications (Marketing Plan of Apple iPhone 7). Answer: Executive Summary Apple Inc. is one of the most reputed brands in the history of Smartphone market. With the help of its I-Phone product, the company becomes one of the leading organizations in the modern day environment dominated extensively by the technologies. The huge impact in the contemporary Smartphone industry makes I-Phone the bestselling product as part of Apple. By considering the enormous demands in the particular market, the yet-to-be-announced iPhone 7 by the Apple family would be critically prioritized as part of forming the overall report. The paper will be importantly comprised of developing a suitable understanding regarding the associated marketing plan for iPhone 7 to gain the validity of the intended processes. It is believed that the newly innovative product designed by the company will set a major trend in the market of Smartphone to provide a significant competitive impact on its rival competitors like Samsung. This particular fact leads this paper to investigate the potential marketing approaches and criteria supporting the launch of iPhone 7 in the specifically chosen market. Company Overview: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne established Apple on 1st April 1976 for developing and selling personal computers. The company was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on January 3, 1977. Apple was renamed as Apple Inc. on January 9, 2007, for reflecting its shifted focus towards consumer electronics (Apple. 2016). The Headquarter of the company is in California. Apple Inc. has 9 products along with 7 services and 378 retail stores across the globe. The organization has 478 Apple retail stores in 17 countries as of 2016. Although the prime attraction of the company is i-phone, it has other products including Apple Watch, Apple TV, iLife, iWork, Mac. Apple has accumulated total US$233.715 billion revenue in 2015, and the total asset of the company is US$305.277 billion as of 2nd quarter of 2016 (Apple. 2016). Apple Inc is an American multinational organization that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company is best known for their hardware products including Mac computers, the iPod media players, the i-Phone Smartphone and the i-Pad tablet computer (Jun and Sung Park 2013). The consumer software of the company involves the I-OS operating systems, iTunes media browser, and the Safari web browser. In recent years, the organization has been facing several challenges in expanding business in the international platform. With the involvement of the strategic implementation, the organization has been trying to enhance its business opportunities in the global platform. The organization has been planning to launch their new I-Phone 7 across the globe (Galmarini et al. 2013). Current Marketing, analysis By analyzing the current market statistics, it can be assessed that the organization has been obtaining profits from each product section including Mac computer, iPod, I-Phone, I-Pad, and others. In a recent business report, it has been published that increasing demand of I-Phone would ensure 100 million by 2013 (Tsai and Chang 2013). Although the company has been facing huge competition from Google and Microsoft, the organization has been trying to improve their technology to gain competitive advantages in the global market. Apple is worlds largest information technology company by total assets that engages large demographic markets for obtaining adequate revenues. It became the first U.S organization to be valued at over US$ 700 billion (Kim, Kim and Chen 2012). The company employs 11,000 permanent full-time employees as of July 2015. The organization consists of 478 retail stores in 17th company as of March 2016 (Apple. 2016). In recent years, the organization has been expanding their business in the large demographic areas for gaining competitive advantages. By analyzing the annual business report, it can be identified that Apple has accumulated total annual revenue of $233 billion for the fiscal year ending in September 2015 (Bergvall-Kareborn and Howcroft 2013). Hence, it can be assessed that the organization has successfully run its business in the international platform for the assets maximization. SWOT analysis: Strengths Apple is recognized as a brand that always keeps their promise. Therefore, it possesses strong brand equity. Innovative thought process allows Apple to develop unique products. Apple iPhone utilize most updated and advance for of software. This allows Apple to create very user friendly devices Weaknesses All the Apple products are very costlier as compared to any other competitors. As a result, it restricts many people from purchasing the product. iPhone maintain a consistent design. Therefore, it lacks variety to attract more customers. Opportunities The popularity of the smart phone is growing every day. It provides huge potential market for Apple to penetrate. Currently, iPhone has restricted its business in the urban areas. Therefore, there is still lot of market are there for Apple to cover for the business expansion. Threats Android operating system is the most obvious threat for Apple. Google has able to create massive impact on the businesses of the mobile worldwide. Several other organizations like Samsung, Motorola, etc. are also created huge impact on the mobile businesses. Table 1: SWOT analysis (Source: Leavell and Cooper 2016) PESTEL analysis: Political Over the years, Apple has able to generate huge amount of popularity all across the world. It increases the amount of corporate taxation for the company, where inequality in income has become one of the major political issues. Apples production unit heavily depends on the lower cost in China. Therefore, if China faces any political disturbance, it will definitely affect the business process of the organization. Economical Increase in the labor cost in China can take the cost advantage away from the Apple product. Increase in the exchange rate can also increase the price of the iPhone even further. Stagnant income of the middle class people can also create huge amount of impact on the businesses of the Apple. Social Apple still does not have strong emotional attachment with the people of Africa. Therefore, it affects the businesses of the organization. There is also ethical concern about the manufacturing process of Apple in China. Technological Immense competition in the mobile industry has enforces Apple to improve its technologies in continues manner. Growing variety of the smartphones reduces the demand of the iPhone to a certain extent. Growing security threat is also inducing organization to improve the security of the operating system. Environmental Disposal of the damage devices is one of the prime environmental issues of the Apple. Manufacturing effect on environment is also another growing environmental issue that Apple has to face. Legal iPhone has recently entered into the sector of highly regulated financial services through Apple pay. Therefore, organizations have to face additional rules and regulation. Furthermore, increase security threat has influenced government to implement more rules and regulation that Apple has to maintain in order to maintain its business in proper manner. Table 2: PESTEL analysis (Source: Bonk 2015) Objectives: The prime objective of the organization is to maximize its profit by creating groundbreaking products including I-Phone, I-Pad, MacBook etc. The organization offers wide range of premium products at premium prices (De Mooij 2013). Apple believes in aggressive pricing, as it allows the organization to uphold large market share and high profit margins. Apple focuses on the team building culture for upholding enhanced workflow design at the organization. In recent years, the organization has been trying to launch I-Phone 7 in the market. The previous versions of i-phone have already attracted a huge number of people in the society (Levinson 2012). By launching this particular product in the market, the organization would experience profit maximization in the business. Although the organization believes in the aggressive pricing model, the competitive market situation has created difficulties for them to retain that pricing system in the business. SMART objective: Specific Increase the popularity of the iPhones all across the globe. Improve brand strength even further. Measurable Increase sales by up to 10% Increase satisfaction level of the customer by 25% Achievable Motivate potential customers to purchase iPhone7. Improve customer service process to enhance the motivational level of the customers. Relevant Target untouched rural markets from all across the world in order to enhance the sales volume Implement effective marketing strategy to attract new customers. Time-bound Prime focus will be to increase the sales volume within three months after the launch of the iPhone7. Table 3: SMART analysis (Source: Bergvall-Kareborn and Howcroft 2013) Strategy Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) Strategy and Segmentation: In the segmentation methods, the organization focuses on the characteristics of the customers in the society. Apple mostly targets business professionals as their primary customers. By launching the Apple I-phone 7, the organization tries to engage the business professionals, teenagers, and people from higher-middle class society (Armstrong et al. 2014). Moreover, the organization would engage the geographical segmentation along with systematic behaviors for the enhancement of the segmentation methods. Targeting: The market profile for new I-phone 7 will target both domestic and international customers. Apple specially targets high and middle class society for their product promotion (Zhiqiang 2013). The CEO of the organization has discussed that I-phone 7 will be packed up with attractive features including high performance, enhanced camera and better display. Consequently, they are going to target the age group of 25-30 year for the promotion of products. Positioning: Apple i-phone 7 tries to employ I-phone 7 to meet the requirement of loyal customers in the society. However, the marketing team has decided to engage new customers for I-phone 7, as it would facilitate them in expanding business opportunity in an efficient manner (Dwyer and Priluck 2012). The organization will be positioning their market based on the aggressive marketing strategy. Figure 1: STP analysis (Source: Rosenbloom 2012) Ansoff matrix: Existing New Existing Penetration: In order to penetrate in the existing market, Apple will have to implement innovative pricing strategy, changing the packaging style, highlights the alternative use and add minor features so that it can able to penetrate the existing market in a much more effective way. Product development: As mentioned above, Apple has to face huge amount of competition to maintain its position in the market. Therefore, Apple has to invest more on the product development process to offer innovative products to the new customers. Otherwise, it will be very tough for Apple to attract new customers. New Market development: As mentioned earlier, Apple is to become a popular brand in the rural areas. In fact, Apple has very limited penetration power in the markets of Africa. Thus, Apple has to implement email marketing, mobile marketing to develop market for the product iPhone7. Diversification: Apple as a brand always provides unique products so that customers can able to recognize easily. In case of iPhone7, it will not be a difference. Thus, Apple has to provide unique features as well as has to implement innovative marketing strategy so that customers can able to recognize the product easily. Table 4: Ansoff matrix (Source: Darroch 2014) Tactics Action: Tactics are based on implementing the proposed marketing plan in an adequate manner. In the case of launching the iPhone product into the market, Apple must need to develop an integrated marketing communication tactics and shape up relevant actions for the suitable implementation (Civi 2013). To execute the tactics successfully, the managers of Apple must need to play the primary responsibility. Such responsibility would initially include establishing the superior 7P Marketing Plan for developing the effective concepts related to the product, place, price, and promotion. 7Ps of iPhone: Product iPhone is the highest rated mobile product available in the world market. Apple will have to strive for innovative design, seamless integration in order to maintain its position in the market. Apple will also have to focus on the quality of software and hardware to attract more customers. Price Apple will have to maintain its aggressive pricing structure in order to maintain brand value in the market. Apple will have to implement installment and other payment scheme in order to become popular in the rural market as well. Promotion Apple can provide different types attractive promotional offers to encourage customers to purchase Apple products. Apple has to utilize innovative marketing strategy like mobile app, online, social media in order to enhance popularity in the market. Place Apple will also have to develop its presence in the rural areas to grab the unaffected market. Apple will have to focus more on the development of the first party store, as it will allow Apple to have direct communication with the customers. People In the absence of their iconic figure Steve Jobs, Apple will have to focus more on the development of the effective management that are capable of motivating employees to give their best for the organization. Apple also has to train their employees so that they can able to work in an effective manner. Physical evidence Apple will have to provide adequate information to manage the queries of the public in an appropriate way. Apple will have to provide more focus on the reviews of the users, as it can induce many people to purchase the product. Processes Apple has to improve its online and in-store delivery process to increase the satisfaction level of the customers. Apple will have to use its previous sales data in order to identify the future requirements, which will allow maintaining the operational process in a much more effective way. Table 5: 7Ps of marketing (Source: Kusumawati et al. 2014) Budget: The overall budget of the marketing plan largely influenced by the main media plan adopted for launching the new product into the target market. Therefore, the marketing managers and decision-makers of the company should need to provide importance on selecting the right media for facilitating the launch and reaching out the extended customer base (Son, Lee, and Kim 2015). Since Apple has efficiently invested in the primary marketing channels for coming up successfully with its products to the customers and placing them in the point-of-purchase, it needs to think more positively about the technologic advancements over the future years. The company, in this case, should need to include the product promotion and sales through its website, exclusive mobile carrier websites, and the retail stores located in different parts of the world (Kotler et al. 2015). By considering these facts, a suitable table can be formed for representing the overview of the marketing budget. Budget Plan for Apple Inc. (Figures in Millions of $) Business: Publications 241 Television 88904 Consumers: Magazines 6753 Newspaper 2441 Internet 436 Radio 3071 Outdoor 11838 Total 113684 Changes from 2016 to 2017 40% 8. Control: Controlling is one of the most important parts for shaping up the tactics and actions as part of the marketing plan to ensure the marketing aims and objectives are met adequately. Therefore, the marketers and managers should need to arrange monthly meetings with the board of directors to discuss the current progress of the actions employed. The basic aim of developing the meeting is forming a suitable proposal for the continued marketing efforts, and the adjustments should be considered by the marketing approaches to assist the launch of iPhone 7 (Son, Lee, and Kim 2015). Before conducting the meeting, all the members of the marketing team should need to visit in private to establish their newly learned knowledge as part of the proposed marketing activities. Considering the scenario of Apple, it is one of the most innovative and resourceful technology-oriented companies for the last decade. Therefore, the marketing plan and approaches related to the launch of its latest product should need to reflect the uniqueness and contemporary technologic adaptability (Nergis, Polat, and Akgun 2013). It should need to measure its marketing activities by judging the overall capability to inform customers on why they will choose their product over the other existing products into the market. It is required by the company to monitor the exchange of marketing messages towards the targeted groups of the community so that the company can understand the likes and dislikes of the particular segment comprehensively. Therefore, the advertising and designing process should need to be controlled critically by the company, as the whole company including its customers should need to act as the marketing department (Sun 2014). The marketing aspects associated with the new iPhone device should need to provide adequate impact over the technology-buying decisions of the customers from the target market. Key performance indicators of promotion: Profit: Apple has to develop financial performance index in order to analyze the kind of impact that iPhone7 is making on the market. Apple will have to identify the additional amount of profit that has been generated due to introduction of the iPhone7. Apple will also have to ensure that all the shareholders of the organization can able to generate healthy profit after the introduction of the iPhone7. Feedback: Marketing plan of Apple will also have to focus on the feedback of the customers. Since, it allows organization to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers in a much more effective way. In fact, it will allow Apple to understand the best possible way for the promotion that will induce many people to purchase the product. Focusing on customers feedback will help Apple to solve the problems of the customers in an appropriate way. Employee satisfaction: Apple will also have to focus more on the satisfaction level of the employees. Since, majority of the time, introduction of new product in the market, increases the responsibilities of the employees. Therefore, it eventually enhances the stress level of the employees. Therefore, Apple will have to maintain proper internal operational process to ensure that employees do not have to face lot of difficulties to perform their responsibilities. Conclusion and recommendation: It can be concluded that the particular marketing plan would facilitate the organization in launching I-phone in the global market. In this context, the strategy plan will assist to accumulate further data required t make any business adjustments. By following the strategic planning, the organization will be able to collect adequate revenue from the domestic and global market. Although Apple is highly regarded household brand, the organization will launch new i-phone 7 to attract a huge number of customers in the business. Recommendation: The prime objective of the organization is to enhance the profit of the business within short timeline. By launching the new model of I-phone 7 in both domestic and international market, the organization is expecting a kickass growth in the business. The organization would engage a huge customers base by modifying their aggressive pricing strategy. On the other hand, the organization needs to involve effective promotional platforms including social media, digital media advertisement, newspaper advertisement and word of mouth. Post-sales service is another important factor of the business. Hence, the particular organization needs to increase service centers across the globe for enhancing after sales facilities. Utilization of promotional mix theory to decision selection: Promotional mix theory facilitates the organization in selecting business decisions. In this context, the researcher discusses the AIDA model, which would facilitate the organization in enhancing the promotional effectiveness in an appropriate manner. AIDA model: Attention: Attention indicates the process of creating brand awareness or affiliation with products and services. In this step, the organization tries to evaluate potential customers to notice products including I-phone 7. Strong imagery is one of the key factors for creating awareness of the products. The organization may employ the strong imagery to promote products in the global platform for obtaining customers attention in an efficient manner (Kim, Kim and Chen 2012). Apples marketing department understands the significance of strong imagery in obtaining customer attention. The organization will consider the competitors market for launching the product in the global platform. Interest: The next step in the model is to keeping the interest of the consumer. Customer needs to know how the product or service will facilitate them. The organization needs to enhance the product promotion for enhancing the interest among customers in the domestic and international platform. Apple I-phone 7 consists of enhanced features that attract a huge number of customers in the global platform (Levinson 2012). Hence, the organization needs to focus on the promotional activity for increasing interest among customers. Desire: Desire is a natural extension of interest. After grabbing consumer attraction, the organization needs to keep going interest by promoting I-phone on the global platform. Social media is one of the important platforms for increasing desire among the customers. Action: In the final step, AIDA marketing model suggests to take action by the customers in the society (Rosenbloom 2012). After obtaining users attention, the organization creates desire among the customers. The management team of the organization needs to map the action processes for identifying the outcome in an effective manner. Figure 2: AIDA Model (Source: Zhiqiang 2013)2. Identification of Target audience: Apple is a global brand that increases its brand value through providing a wide range of premium electronics products at premium price. The target audience for I-Phone 7 would be 25-30 years age people in the society. On the other hand, the aggressive pricing system of the company enables them to target business professionals belonging to the high-class society. Moreover, the premium looks and enhanced configuration of the products would attract all age groups in the global market. Storyboard: Intended Image: Action sought: Apple would enhance the future brand value through launching I-Phone 7, as the premium looks and enhanced technical features would allow the organization to attract a huge number of customers in the global platform. Apple needs to enhance the promotional activity on the social Medias including Facebook, Twitter and other online websites. Consequently, it would enhance the business profitability in an efficient manner. The organization needs to identify the key development areas in the promotional activities for the enhancement of product marketing. Message The promotional message will include the features and technical specification of I-Phone 7. By launching the particular product in the market, the organization would transmit the message about the technological advancement. References Apple. (2016).Apple. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Jul. 2016]. Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S. and Kotler, P., 2014.Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Bergvall-Kreborn, B. and Howcroft, D., 2013, December. The Apple business model: Crowdsourcing mobile applications. InAccounting Forum(Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 280-289). Elsevier. Bonk, C., 2015. The impact of Apple's communication and French and Finnish consumers' product perceptions: case of the iPhone product. Civi, E., 2013. Marketing strategies to survive in a recession.International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets,5(3), pp.254-267. 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Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Essay Example

The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism Paper Absolutism and the Divine Right of Kings The defense of monarchical absolutism, which asserted that kings derived their authority from God and could not therefore be held accountable for their actions by any earthly authority such as a parliament. Originating in Europe, the divine-right theory can be traced to the medieval conception of Gods award of temporal power to the political ruler, paralleling the award of spiritual power to the church. By the 16th and 17th centuries, however, the new national monarchs were asserting their authority in matters of both church and state. King James I of England (reigned 1603–25) was the foremost exponent of the divine right of kings, but the doctrine virtually disappeared from English politics after the Glorious Revolution (1688–89). In the late 17th and the 18th centuries, kings such as Louis XIV (1643–1715) of France continued to profit from the divine-right theory, even though many of them no longer had any truly religious belief in it. The American Revolution (1775–83), the French Revolution (1789), and the Napoleonic wars deprived the doctrine of most of its remaining credibility. The bishop Jacques-Benigne Bossuet (1627–1704), one of the principal French theorists of divine right, asserted that the kings person and authority were sacred; that his power was modeled on that of a fathers and was absolute, deriving from God; and that he was governed by reason (i. e. , custom and precedent). In the middle of the 17th century, the English Royalist squire Sir Robert Filmer likewise held that the state was a family and that the king was a father, but he claimed, in an interpretation of Scripture, that Adam was the first king and that Charles I (reigned 1625–49) ruled England as Adams eldest heir. We will write a custom essay sample on The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Divine Right of Kings and Humanism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The antiabsolutist philosopher John Locke (1632–1704) wrote his First Treatise of Civil Government (1689) in order to refute such arguments. The doctrine of divine right can be dangerous for both church and state. For the state it suggests that secular authority is conferred, and can therefore be removed, by the church, and for the church it implies that kings have a direct relationship to God and may therefore dictate to ecclesiastical rulers. The most commonly studied form of absolutism is absolute monarchy, which originated in early modern Europe and was based on the strong individual leaders of the new nation-states that were created at the breakup of the medieval order. The power of these states was closely associated with the power of their rulers; to strengthen both, it was necessary to curtail the restraints on centralized government that had been exercised by the church, feudal lords, and medieval customary law. By claiming the absolute authority of the state against such former restraints, the monarch as head of state claimed his own absolute authority. By the 16th century monarchical absolutism prevailed in much of western Europe, and it was widespread in the 17th and 18th centuries. Besides France, whose absolutism was epitomized by Louis XIV, absolutism existed in a variety of other European countries, including Spain, Prussia, and Austria. The most common defense of monarchical absolutism, known as â€Å"the divine right of kings† theory, asserted that kings derived their authority from God. This view could justify even tyrannical rule as divinely ordained punishment, administered by rulers, for human sinfulness. In its origins, the divine-right theory may be traced to the medieval conception of Gods award of temporal power to the political ruler, while spiritual power was given to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. However, the new national monarchs asserted their authority in all matters and tended to become heads of church as well as of state, as did King Henry VIII when he became head of the newly created Church of England in the 16th century. Their power was absolute in a way that was impossible to achieve for medieval monarchs, who were confronted by a church that was essentially a rival centre of authority. The English humanists English humanism flourished in two stages: the first a basically academic movement that had its roots in the 15th century and culminated in the work of Sir Thomas More, Sir Thomas Elyot, and Roger Ascham, the second a poetic revolution led by Sir Philip Sidney and William Shakespeare. Though continental humanists had held court positions since the days of Humphrey of Gloucester, English humanism as a distinct phenomenon did not emerge until late in the 15th century. At Oxford William Grocyn (c. 446–1519) and his student Thomas Linacre (c. 1460–1524) gave impetus to a tradition of classical studies that would permanently influence English culture. Grocyn and Linacre attended Politians lectures at the Platonic Academy of Florence. Returning to Oxford, they became central figures in a group that included such younger scholars as John Colet (1466/67–1519) and William Lily (1468? –1522). The humanistic contributions of the Oxford group wer e philological and institutional rather than philosophical or literary. Grocyn ectured on Greek and theology; Linacre produced several works on Latin grammar and translated Galen into Latin. To Linacre is owed the foundation of the Royal College of Physicians; to Colet, the foundation of St. Pauls School, London. Colet collaborated with Lily (the first headmaster of St. Pauls) and Erasmus in writing the schools constitution, and together the three scholars produced a Latin grammar (known alternately as â€Å"Lilys Grammar† and the â€Å"Eton Grammar†) that would be central to English education for decades to come. In Sir Thomas More (1478–1535), Sir Thomas Elyot (c. 490–1546), and Roger Ascham (1515–68), English humanism bore fruit in major literary achievement. Educated at Oxford (where he read Greek with Linacre), More was also influenced by Erasmus, who wrote The Praise of Folly (Latin Moriae encomium) at Mores house and named the book punningly after his English friend. Mores famous Utopia, a kind of companion piece to The Praise of Folly, is similarly satirical of traditional institutions (Book I) but offers, as an imaginary alternative, a model society based on reason and nature (Book II). Reminiscent of Erasmus and Valla, Mores Utopians eschew the rigorous cultivation of virtue and enjoy moderate pleasures, believing that â€Å"Nature herself prescribes a life of joy (that is, pleasure)† and seeing no contradiction between earthly enjoyment and religious piety. Significantly indebted both to classical thought and European humanism, the Utopia is also humanistic in its implied thesis that politics begins and ends with humanity: that politics is based exclusively on human nature and aimed exclusively at human happiness. Sir Thomas Elyot chose a narrower subject but developed it in more detail. His great work, The Book Named The Governor, is a lengthy treatise on the virtues to be cultivated by statesmen. Born of the same tradition that produced The Prince and The Courtier, The Governor is typical of English humanism in its emphasis on the accommodation of both classical and Christian virtues within a single moral view. Elyots other contributions to English humanism include philosophical dialogues, moral essays, translations of ancient and contemporary writers (including Isocrates and Pico), an important Latin-English dictionary, and a highly popular health manual. He served his country as ambassador to the court of Charles V. Finally, the humanistic educational program set up at the turn of the century was vigorously supported by Sir John Cheke (1514–57) and codified by his student Roger Ascham. Aschams famous pedagogical manual, The Schoolmaster, offers not only a complete program of humanistic education but also an evocation of the ideals toward which that education was directed. Ascham had been tutor to the young princess Elizabeth, whose personal education was a model of humanistic pedagogy and whose writings and patronage bespoke great love of learning. Elizabeth Is reign (1558–1603) saw the last concerted expression of humanistic ideas. Elizabethan humanism, which added a unique element to the history of the movement, was the product not of pedagogues and philologists but of poets and playwrights. http://www. wsu. edu/~dee/GLOSSARY/DIVRIGHT. HTM http://history. wisc. edu/sommerville/351/351-172. htm http://www. historyguide. org/intellect/humanism. html http://www. wsu. edu/~dee/REN/HUMANISM. HTM

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Free Essays on United States Presidents

The Presidents of the United States  · Washington- only president to be unanimously elected by Electoral College. had teeth made of hippopotamus ivory. acted like a king.  · Adams- first election under real two party system. Graduate of Harvard. First president to live in the White House. Only father-son presidency. Died July 4th same day as Jefferson  · Jefferson- wrote the Declaration of independence. Designed his home. First president to take the oath in Washington, D.C. Very talented. Died July 4th same day as Adams Never spoke in public because of voice.  · Madison- graduate from Princeton. Was the first president to wear trousers. Very short, always wore black.  · Monroe- first president to ride on a steamboat. The only president to have a foreign capitol named after him. Died on July 4th  · Adams- graduated from Harvard Helped establish Smithsonian Institute. Kept a diary for over 60 years. First president to be photographed. Seemed hard and cold as ice.  · Jackson- joined the SC militia at age 13 and was captured by British in War for Independence. Opened the White House to crowds for his inauguration. First president to ride a train while in office. Lived with a bullet in his chest. First president to have an assassination attempt.  · Van Buren- first president not born a British subject. Got new upholstery in the Oval Drawing room, and created the Blue Room.  · Harrison- served the shortest presidential term- one-month. He was the oldest president until Regan. Longest inauguration address in history. Died of pneumonia.  · Tyler- graduated from William and Mary College. Almost killed twice while in office. First vice-president to run office. First president to marry while in office.  · Polk- expanded American boundaries to the Pacific. Worked 14 hours a day and ... Free Essays on United States Presidents Free Essays on United States Presidents The Presidents of the United States  · Washington- only president to be unanimously elected by Electoral College. had teeth made of hippopotamus ivory. acted like a king.  · Adams- first election under real two party system. Graduate of Harvard. First president to live in the White House. Only father-son presidency. Died July 4th same day as Jefferson  · Jefferson- wrote the Declaration of independence. Designed his home. First president to take the oath in Washington, D.C. Very talented. Died July 4th same day as Adams Never spoke in public because of voice.  · Madison- graduate from Princeton. Was the first president to wear trousers. Very short, always wore black.  · Monroe- first president to ride on a steamboat. The only president to have a foreign capitol named after him. Died on July 4th  · Adams- graduated from Harvard Helped establish Smithsonian Institute. Kept a diary for over 60 years. First president to be photographed. Seemed hard and cold as ice.  · Jackson- joined the SC militia at age 13 and was captured by British in War for Independence. Opened the White House to crowds for his inauguration. First president to ride a train while in office. Lived with a bullet in his chest. First president to have an assassination attempt.  · Van Buren- first president not born a British subject. Got new upholstery in the Oval Drawing room, and created the Blue Room.  · Harrison- served the shortest presidential term- one-month. He was the oldest president until Regan. Longest inauguration address in history. Died of pneumonia.  · Tyler- graduated from William and Mary College. Almost killed twice while in office. First vice-president to run office. First president to marry while in office.  · Polk- expanded American boundaries to the Pacific. Worked 14 hours a day and ...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Anxiety Disorders

As you get up every morning, there is a fear of crossing that day. What happens if you are often concerned? What if there is a spontaneous and uncontrollable panic attack throughout the day? What if you can not control your hand to wash their bloody broken places? What happens if you have anxiety disorder? Anxiety is the most common disease in the United States, affecting 40 million adults over the age of 18; this accounts for 18% of the U.S. population. However, 22.8% of cases were considered as severe anxiety. Anxiety is thought to be an impairment of the shaft, there are five types of anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder and panic disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. The definition of post-traumatic stress disorder is as follows. Exposure to trauma, repression, abuse and development of severe situations and anxiety disorders of severe natural and unnatural disasters. Symptoms of post traumatic stress disord er are usually as follows: ... The crowd is anxiety disorder. It is clear that Western anxiety is increasing. Three main factors contribute to this, including treatment and reduction of anxiety in patients receiving education systems, technology, media, criticism. It is worth noting that in recent years it has become more difficult whether the educational system is good or bad in various ways. However, those who tend to be uneasy often go to school There are several types of anxiety disorders such as post - panic disorder, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and related disorders, stress related diseases and trauma: The latest diagnosis and mental disorder statistical manual (DSM - 5) destroys anxiety to three categories. This difference suggests that although these diseases are commonly related, they are very diff erent. The six most common forms of anxiety are generalized anxiety disorder, post panic disorder, phobia, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by nonspecific living events, excessive concern about subjects and condition. People with GAD are often difficult to identify specific fears and control them. This means that fear is often unreasonable and not proportional to expectation under normal circumstances. Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorder Anxiety is a tension associated with dangerous threats when the cause of anxiety is unknown. In contrast, fear is a tension associated with known hazards. I believe that mild anxiety in our daily life is normal. I was a little worried about that day, but everyday I can think about it. Anxiety warns us that we can prepare for response to battle and escape. However, the increase in anxiety hurts emotionally. Anxiety is thought to be an impairment of the shaft, there are five types of anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder and panic disorder, phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. The definition of post-traumatic stress disorder is as follows. Exposure to trauma, repression, abuse and development of severe situations and anxiety disorders of severe natural and unnatural disasters. Symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder are usually as follows: ... The crowd is anxiety disorder. It is clear that Western anxi ety is increasing. Three main factors contribute to this, including treatment and reduction of anxiety in patients receiving education systems, technology, media, criticism. It is worth noting that in recent years it has become more difficult whether the educational system is good or bad in various ways. However, those who tend to be uneasy often go to school There are several types of anxiety disorders such as post - panic disorder, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and related disorders, stress related diseases and trauma: The latest diagnosis and mental disorder statistical manual (DSM - 5) destroys anxiety to three categories. This difference suggests that although these diseases are commonly related, they are very different.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager - Essay Example The paper tells that managers are pivotal in performing leadership functions in the organization. By definition, management refers to the activities and people involved in the four general functions of management -planning, organizing, leading and the coordination of resources. However, increasing number of literature today has tended to emphasize the difference between management and leadership. Modern management and modern management thinkers assert that management has to focus on leadership if managerial functions must be achieved. Zhong-Ming &, Takao argue that, most modern management thinkers assert that leadership must be more facilitative, participative and empowering in how visions and goals of the organizations are carried out. Industrial management is concerned with the design, improvement, and implementation of integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy. According to McGregor & Cutcher, industrial management draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical and the social sciences not leaving out the principles and methods of engineering analysis. Today, industrial management is also known as industrial engineering, operations management now encompasses services though initially applied to manufacturing. Management involves the process of directing, planning, controlling, and coordinating the activities of an organization so that predefined goals are met. However, prominent writers in the field of management see coordination as the main objective of management rather than one of its functions. In managerial terms, leadership is the way people relate themselves to an organization. Leadership is at the center of coordinating and executing management functions. The activities of an organization must be properly carried out and executed if the goals must be achieved. Managerial functions are performed by managers and leaders assigned to each of the functional areas. Acknowledged by all to be the fat her of scientific management, Frederick W. Taylor equated leadership with effective management, with focus on productivity, improvement, and efficiency, he thought of management as being generic and universal. As for Mullins, leadership is a relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people And he suggested that leadership is a dynamic process, which can be altered to suit a particular management philosophy.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Workforce Diversity at IBM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Workforce Diversity at IBM - Essay Example IBM had already implemented Workforce diversity as early as 1953 while this only became a requirement over ten years later under the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964. This shows that IBM has always been committed to implementing workforce diversity unlike other firms who do it because it has to be done. IBM had already realized the importance of diversifying the workforce for the sake of the firm in order to not only increase productivity but also to increase their strategic advantage. The fact that IBM had already embraced the idea of workforce diversity as early as the 1950s is very important in considerations that the globalisation of trade had not begun. Globalisation, which was very fundamental in forcing organisations into embracing workplace diversity, only came much later in the 1980s and it is at this time that most international firms realised they had to diversify their workforce in order to ensure that they are globally competitive and that they can meet the challenges of a global market (Strachan, French and Burgess 4). In this regard, IBM can be regarded as the pioneer of the principle of workforce diversity. Looking at the information provided about IBM workforce diversity in this section, it becomes clear that the person is increasingly clear that implementing workforce diversity should not be driven by the affirmative action of the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964. ... a modern world, any firm, especially those operating in the global environment should be able to make sure that their work is as diversified as much as possible. A diversified workforce is not only more likely to give the firm more innovations but is also able to meet the needs of the diverse market. IBM was the first to realize that diversifying the workforce would help the reorganisations to be able to be competitive in a global market. In fact, according to Richard (477), modern organisations are realizing that diversifying the workforce is not just the right thing to do, but a requirement for the organisation in order to acquire competitive advantage in the market. This probably explains the reason why IBM went on to become one of the most successful companies in the world. The other issue which comes out from the topic is the fact that implementing workforce diversity is not an easy task and it is a task which must be looked at in a very serious manner. Firms should be able to u nderstand workforce diversity is not just about hiring individuals from all categories of people such as from different races, different abilities etc. Workforce diversity however is being able to look for talents from all walks of life. IBM was the first firms to break the ice at a time when segregation in the workplace was very high. Many firms misunderstand workforce diversity and implement it in the wrong way. Not only do firm misunderstand diversity, but also the legislations which have been made such as the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964 have the wrong view of what diversity should be. Diversity should not be inspired by giving the minority groups an added advantage over the majority. Equal opportunity employment should be inspired by the need to have all people of all sorts of

Friday, January 24, 2020

Entropy, Pollution and Global Warming Essay -- Greenhouse Gases Climat

Entropy, Pollution and Global Warming The substances that we as human beings classify as 'pollutants' have always been present on the planet, because the earth is a closed system. The reason that these materials cause a negative impact on the environment, therefore, is not that they exist, but that they have been dispersed throughout the world's ecosystems in a very disordered fashion. To illustrate this, two pollutants of major concern will be considered, carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). CO2 and SO2 are both given off when coal is burned to provide heat or to generate electricity. CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas contributing to global warming, and SO2 is the main cause of acid rain. Carbon and sulphur have no impact on the environment when they are locked up in ...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Case Analysis †Giant Consumer Products Essay

1)Using data in Exhibits 1 & 4 develop solution templates in Exhibit 3 for Sanchez. From the table above, it is clear that the impact of a promotion cannot be considered in isolation. On the whole, the promotion has resulted in a loss instead of a profit for the Dinardo range of products. Considered in isolation a promotion on Dinardo 32 may look attractive but overall it’s a loss-making proposition. 2)Do you advise Sanchez to run a national sales promotion? If so, which one of the items the funds be allocated: Dinardo 32, dinardo 16 or natural meals? Sanchez can run a sales promotion for Natural meals. This is the only profitable option as can be seen from Solution template Part-3 in the table above. 3)Prepare Sanchez for additional strategic/ tactical questions that he anticipates from Flatt given at the end of case. a)The promotion of Natural Meals would be a win for FFD, the retailer as well as the consumer. FFD gains due to a positive increase in marketing margin due to the promotion. For the retailer, the benefit will be on account of the increased spending by FFD for promotional activities. The margins on Natural Meals are higher for retailers and an increase in volumes would directly have a positive impact on retailers’ revenues. The consumer benefits due to the reduced prices from the promotion. b)FFD should go with the pay for performance approach for promotion of Natural Meals. The price on the box of the product should not be reduced and instead a discount must be offered at the time of billing. The retailer should then be reimbursed for the discounts offered to customers. This would help retain the premium positioning of FFD’s products and avoid customers from looking at the products to be available at a deal during subsequent purchases.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Reasons for Adolescent Suicide Attempts - 1173 Words

The present text reports situations when an adolescent is at risk of suicide. Some of these situations are parts of depression, social pressure, drug abuse, and family difficulties. All of these factors make an adolescent feel overwhelmed and confused. There are many events that an adolescent goes through before taking their lives. Finding rates of suicide vary in males and females because the males use more fatal methods than females. What are the feelings that make adolescents take their own life? All the information can be useful to help someone with the problem because it describes how help a person without making the problem worse. There are also some myths that people believe that are not helping to prevent a suicide. Are there some†¦show more content†¦The case of Tyler Clementi is a clear example of bullying. Feldman (2012) has noted that male adolescents are five times more likely to commit suicide than females, although females attempt suicide more often than males(P.365). Males use more lethal methods than females. Adolescent males use firearms, hanging, or jumping from height as method of suicide while females tend to commit suicide by overdosing on drugs and cutting themselves. Parents who own guns at home must unload, lock, and keep this item out of adolescent reach as a preventive action. Parents must also control all prescription drugs in the house because it is easy access for teenagers to harm themselves. Occasionally, some people try to kill themselves just by putting their lives in danger, and they use self destructive behavior. Some behavior are drugs and alcohol abuse, overeating, self starvation, bulimia, smoking, reckless driving, stunts and dares, promiscuity and sexual risk taking, and those actions can lead to injury or loss of life. Suicidal Thoughts Adolescents who are thinking about suicide often feel lonely, different. Here are some thoughts and feelings that a suicidal adolescent may have: †¢ I dont deserve to live. †¢ Id rather feel pain than feel nothing. †¢ I hate everything - I just want to destroy everything. †¢ I just want the pain to stop. †¢ My parents want me to be dead. †¢ Nobody care if I live or not. †¢ Im so different from everybody else. †¢ Im soShow MoreRelatedThe Most Common Death For Adolescents1530 Words   |  7 PagesThere are many causes for an adolescent to die. The most common death for adolescents is suicide. Parents are not aware of how to tell if their adolescent is suicidal or how to condone it. In today s society there are so many ways to help them with their suicidal thoughts. Adolescents should not feel alone with their thoughts, there are forms of help deal with their thoughts. What Causes Suicide There are a variety of situations that can cause an adolescent to become suicidal. 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